What Is Passive House?Passive House is a building standard that emphasizes better wall construction, a tight building envelope, and great HVAC systems. Homes...
Are Passive Houses More Expensive To Build?PH homes are 5-10% more expensive to build than a conventional code home, for a number of reasons related to increased material and labor...
Do Passive Houses Have Windows That Open?Yes, they can. A Passive House by definition doesn't really require windows that open, as there is a fresh air system in the home that is...
What Do Window Ratings Mean?Window ratings are important. Choose the right window for your home. In Nashville, TN, your baseline will be a window with low U-factor...
How Much Roof Overhang Do I Need to Keep Out the Sun?You can use roof overhang to govern how much sun gets into your home throughout the year. This will greatly affect how much you have to...
Let's Talk About Safe RoomsSafe rooms come in many varieties, from tiny steel tornado vaults dug into the ground to full-featured panic rooms with tunnels leading...
What Is The PH ACH50 Metric?ACH50 is a measurement that looks at the number of air volume changes per hour in a home. Currently, this is measured and tested using an...
Can Multifamily Be Built To Passive House Standards?Yes, absolutely. Passive House standards can be applied to a wide range of housing types, including both single-family and multi-family...